Member-only story
Incidents Like This, I Take Trips/Fall(ing/en)(Flash Fiction, 434 words)
She had a point the last time we’d spoken. I removed myself from the constant wondering about her. The calling, texting; the pouring out of my heart, only to get little to no reply. But she was right about something. I looked at myself in the mirror, I’d lost twelve pounds since she left, seemingly forever ago; jaws were coming into their square and sharp ways, again. I stroked my beard and ran the other hand down my torso, pretending to dust myself off.
Her honesty, which is as honest as I’d heard her be in years, actually; reminded me of why I was able to attract her anyway. And her superficial outlook on me, herself, life; it all reminded me that, as much as we try and leave some things behind as we get older; there are just some things you don’t want to lose. 146
I feel good today. I don’t miss her any less, but that was the last piece, I think, to put the whole picture back into focus for me. As I had been correct, too. Any woman willing to walk away from love, just to put more notches between her lips, had the game all wrong. All of the attention in the world, when he’s finally got you in his bed, wanting him; won’t make him come home when he’s not ready. Those butter-soft thighs, soft cries and soaked sheets; those things don’t just feel like the greatest gift in life to all men. 104