Member-only story
“Her Favorite (dad observations and musings)”
Women don't notice the little things that men suffer through when it all goes caput. Filling out all of the first day of school paperwork and eyes wide, spirit fingers and bright smiles; in love with their first day. Dropped mine off this morning, and mama is always the star of the show. She smiles more, she's chatty, and I am stoic. I am disappointed that she didn't think anything of it as we stood next to one another and a teacher, a minority woman at that; smiled and spoke to mom, looking at her, telling all of the others to "say hi to mom". As if being a browned skinned man, right around 6', north of two-hundred pounds, my cloak of invisibility is at its most high, just post-sunrise. Women don't notice the little things...daddies have this way about us; like, daddy doesn't like the excessive amount of noises I'm hearing that aren't pencil tapping table, dancing upon paper. But daddy doesn't have to threaten death, nope. Daddy walks in, sits at the table, looks at both of them individually. We exchange smiles, a pair of eyes smile once more, and voila! Any and every move I make started to make sense to my heart, beginning with this if I had to take my losses along the way? I would do it all again, just to watch you when you took your first breaths; and today, and until my own is no longer. I always kiss you and tell you to " be great". Not because you just aren't, naturally; just so that whichever paths you choose, you know you got this.
"See I got demons in my past so I got daughters on the way
If the prophecy's correct that the child shall have to pay
For the sins of her father so I barter my tomorrows
Against my yesterdays and hope that she'll be okay" - Jay-Z