Member-only story
“Dynasty – Would You Believe? (Nobody Eats at Brunch)”
“How about the fact that America is really just a more industrialized nation, but with sweatshops and sweatshop ideals?” and I look at my daughter. I wonder if she noticed my eyes beaming with pride. Hell, I almost shed a tear, then she continued. “I like school. It’s okay, it’s not my favorite, but that’s life.”
“But that’s not a sweatshop.”
A sigh. “It is daddy. Remember when you used to work at Amazon, and they had that ‘bring your kids to work day?’ Have you ever seen ants building their colonies, daddy? Everything in America is just like this. We had to walk crazy far from your office, to the lunchroom. Everyone has 30 minutes for lunch, but you can’t leave your position until a bell rings or an alarm sounds. If you have to use the bathroom, your production numbers take a hit; so you rush back and work in double time, trying to make the numbers decent enough, consistent enough, so that maybe you can get another fifty-cents raise at a yearly review. The lockers are small, you’re forced to buy food in the cafeteria – none of which is good for you – just enough carbs and sugar to keep you moving without thinking about it, until the night is over. You work seven days a week, and don’t you dare miss three days in ninety – you’re fired.”
“Wow, you actually listened to all of that?”